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The Essence of Being

The introduction of the Child of Handala character was shaped by the literature work of Firas Khabour titled "The Essence of Being" in collaboration with renounced artist Osama Hajjaj during the year 2023. 

كتاب: ما يستحق الحياة

تم التطرق واستحداث شخصية "ابن حنظلة" ولأول مرة من خلال عمل الكاتب فراس خابور في كتابه "ما يستحق الحياة" وبالتعاون مع الفنان القدير أسامة حجّاج في عام 2023  

Child of Handala

Passion Makes Perfect

Child of Handala is a modern interpretation of the 21st-century generation of Palestinian Nakba survivors.
A re-ignition of the immortal symbol "Handala". A unique intellectual lens into the world's current events.

I started Child of Handala with the goal of offering readers a glimpse into my thoughts and experiences. What started out as weekly posts has aspired into an evolving sense of identity for an eager generation. 

Read on, reflect and enjoy!

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Contributions will be received, assessed, and posted if they promote public awareness of Palestinian cause within the persona of

Child of Handala

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